Human Touch and Disruptive Technologies


Experience Electromechanical Transduction
Human Touch

Wired Physio

Wired Physio Wired Physio

Accelerated Healing: Innovation, high success rate and compassionate care is at the heart of our revolutionary treatment approach. Our specialty and mission is to deliver impactful intervention from day one, facilitating rapid recovery through proven, research-driven methods. Our commitment is reflected in our use of advanced technology, attentive empathy, and accessibility.

Central to our ethos is "ElectroMechanical Medicine," a groundbreaking paradigm that harnesses touch and technology's healing power. Through PT directed electromagnetic, mechanical, and thermal energies, our skilled practitioners orchestrate physiological responses, reducing pain, inflammation, and enhancing deep blood flow. This holistic method accelerates healing and cellular regeneration, optimizing movement, bodily function and elevating human performance.

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ElectroMechanical Transduction

The concurrence of electrical and mechanical signals to orchestrate a cascade of physiological events including nerve signaling and sensory organ function in order to modulate pain, accelerate tissue healing, resolve inflammation, alter arthrogenic muscle inhibition and improve muscle function.

Our goal is to advance medicine, alleviate human suffering, encourage caregiving, and extend the human healthspan.

We believe that every individual has the potential to make a difference in the world, and we are committed to using our resources and abilities to help others.


The application of corrective human movement lies at the core of physical therapy, aiming to rectify dysfunctional movement patterns and enhance overall well-being. Through detailed postural analysis and a deep understanding of human movement science, therapists identify deviations from optimal alignment and function. Therapeutic exercises are then meticulously curated to address these issues, targeting muscle imbalances, flexibility constraints, and coordination challenges. This tailored approach facilitates the body's natural healing mechanisms and restores harmonious movement. Running gait analysis, a specialized facet, dissects an individual's running mechanics to refine form and function. By analyzing stride dynamics, foot strike, and body posture, therapists can provide corrective guidance to enhance performance and prevent injuries. Collectively, this approach emphasizes the intricate interplay between structure and movement. By fostering proper alignment and function, corrective human movement interventions empower patients to move with greater efficiency, reduce pain, and elevate their physical capabilities.

Manual Medicine

Manual therapy constitutes a vital dimension of physical therapy, focusing on hands-on techniques to restore musculoskeletal balance and function. Mobilization involves gentle, controlled movements of joints and soft tissues, enhancing flexibility and alleviating pain. Manipulation, a precise thrusting technique, restores joint mobility and releases tension. Directional preference assessment identifies specific movement patterns that alleviate pain, guiding tailored exercises. Manual spinal decompression relieves pressure on vertebral discs and nerves. These methods are directed by the specialized expertise of therapists and tailored to suit the unique requirements of each patient, ensuring both safety and efficacy. Manual medicine empowers physical therapists to directly influence biomechanics, pain modulation, and functional improvement. This hands-on approach embodies the essence of patient-centered care, enabling individuals to regain optimal movement, manage pain, and enhance overall quality of life.


Biophysical agents form a cornerstone of modern physical therapy, harnessing diverse energy modalities to optimize healing and recovery. High-frequency electromagnetic currents delve into tissues, fostering cellular repair and pain modulation. Pulse wave technology targets specific areas, promoting tissue regeneration and reducing edema. Electric cell signaling capitalizes on the body's natural electrical exchanges, aiding in tissue repair and pain management. Electrical stimulation orchestrates controlled currents to invigorate muscle contractions, fortify weakened muscles, and mitigate pain. Heat and cold therapies, adept at regulating blood flow and inflammation, provide versatile solutions for various conditions. These agents, individually tailored to patient needs, synergistically accelerate recuperation from injuries, surgeries, and chronic pain. Their integration showcases physical therapy's holistic approach, addressing multifaceted aspects of rehabilitation for comprehensive well-being.

Clinical Electro
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What They Say

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“I wanted to go to the hospital, I was feeling so bad and screaming in pain. Within just 15 minutes, PT had me moving freely, swinging my arms, and even standing on my toes. The excruciating pain between my shoulder blades vanished, and the swelling from chair-sleeping reduced. I'm astounded by the immediate results.”

Belinda L.

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“The severe, burning pain I used to feel in my hands affected my ability to drive, shop for groceries or even care for my kids. I'd say the pain is just around a one over ten. This change is truly remarkable. I even picked up trash bags without that sharp cutting feeling. These changes are truly astonishing.”

Stephanie R.

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“I’m an RN case manager who could not talk due to facial pain. Now, I am able to wash my face, eat and communicate without difficulty. I now have zero to one over ten pain which is wonderful compared to being at fifteen plus before.”

Danna C.